Monday, October 12, 2009

The Scoobie Snack

Sorry for being a day late, but I was at a concert last night and didn't have time. On last Monday we went out to Mr India's with the usual crowd. I had some rather disappointing news that day and was not in the best of mood, so curry was lovely. We got the usual and lots of Lal Noofan and nan. Afterwards, I went to my friend's flat for some wine and a chat. It was lots of fun and I really enjoyed getting to know her more.

On Tuesday I had some fantastic meetings with past and present supervisors. It was a good chance to catch up and we had some great talks about what needs to get done. My current supervisor sorted out all the "new" things I have to do and was very supportive in figuring it out. My past supervisor called on a conference call and talked to me about our past research and had me start working seriously on our paper. Well, I have been writing it, but now I've got to do work for it. Not fun or okay. Still it was good talking to him and we had a game plan by the end. After all these meetings I went into the common room where they had been having a welcome event for the new physics students. Events for undergrads here tend to be filled with free booze. Great for us, because we can attend or when it's over we can go pick up the leftovers. Anyway, I went in for some beer and started chatting to another girl who is a PhD student that I haven't spent much time with. She wanted to go hang out at the pub and so we went together. It was super great just chatting with this girl about life and things. She's currently watching all of The West Wing right now (as am I) for the first time, so we had some great chat about politics and boys.

On Wednesday I had super fun. Some of my parents' friends came to visit in the afternoon. These were my first visitors since I've properly settled here. I showed them around and hopefully they enjoyed themselves. I don't really know though, since they left at 6:30 to go back to the hotel and sleep. Since I had my whole night planned out to spend with these people, I sent out a plea for some socialising and was met with spectacular return. My 2nd supervisor was taking out the guy who gave the visitor colloquium. I met him in Budapest and he's teaching at Cardiff right now. So I met him and a few others at Mr India's (of course). Adding to the drinks that I had with my visitors, we had a few more beers with curry, then went out to the Lios Mor for some whiskey. We chatted about everything under the sun (and beyond) until they closed 7 or 8 whiskeys later. As we walked back up Byres Road I branched off to go back to my flat. I got called back across the road with the declaration that we were going to a friend's flat for some more whiskey. The way up there we passed Maggie's mobile chip shop. Home of the Scoobie Snack. Now I had yet to experience this, as did the Cardiff visitor so we were pursuaded to get one. This is arguably the best thing that one can consume the way home from many many drinks. It's a burger patty, layered with a sausage patty, layered with bacon (remember, bacon here is like canadian bacon), then an egg then cheese, all on a massive roll. Again, best thing you can have at that time of night. Of course, you can feel your heart screaming out in pain as you eat it. We finally all went home after one whiskey (we decided we had tapped out at the Lios Mor) and crawled into bed. We all took the next morning off (really hoping the Cardiff guy made his 7am flight) to recover.

The next two days were relatively uninteresting at work, minus a £46 hair trim. We had a party at our flat on Friday night which was super fun (actually) and of course left everyone with many regrets the next day. I slept until 4pm the next day due to a massive headache (the vodka and the red wine punch is probably what did us in). We then had a poker night at my 2nd supervisor's flat which finally ended after 5 hours of poker playing. We ended with beer and el-cheapo sausage rolls at 2 am. I really need to stop eating crap like that in the middle of the night. We had a concert the next day with a few friends that met up at the pub then went to the concert. I must have had a rock in my shoe or something because I woke up this morning with a blood blister the size of my fist on the bottom of my shoe. Which is where you will find me now: my foot elevated and in much pain, on my back writing this in bed. Ta for now!

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